Some people enjoy playing on their computers or consoles, watching their small or large screens and gearing towards a new gaming day. Others, they like to experience something new. With technology developing rather quickly and more and more things going towards virtual reality, it is only normal that the world of video games is adapting for virtual reality, as well.
Some VR games are great, while others are just experiments which have gone bad at some points. We are slowly headed towards more virtual reality games, but what can we expect from them, is the question.
Virtual Reality – Enhanced and Lifelike
If you want a game to be lifelike, the best way to do it is for the game to track you seamlessly, but that tends to be a problem with almost all forms of tracking except eye tracking. In real life, your eyes don’t lag like they do in game, where the game follows your head. You don’t just move your head when you want to look a bit to the right, or up, you simply move your eyes.
A lag free experience is necessary for virtual reality to be realistic and not to make you sick. A large part of that will be fixed when tracking becomes easier and better, not to mention faster.
Tracking Speed – Hardware Challenges
Some of the challenges in making virtual reality better lie in the hardware itself. The current hardware can take you only so far. Some of it is great but for slower games which don’t require twitch movements which can make you sick. It is not just a problem in the renderers, namely the CPU and GPU, but also a problem in communication from the various motion sensors to the game and then the processing of that to create movement. That has lag due to connection speed issues and rendering. If the lag is perceptible, then your experience is ruined.
VR in the future will be lag free and your movements will be as smooth as they naturally are, without any lag to make you sick or feel bad.
More Everything – Greater Details
Some VR games are simply put, bare. The more details you add, the more the renderers get taxed, leaving you with dropped frames and stuttering, which in VR can get really bad really quickly.
With the advance of hardware and communication, you can expect to see many more details. Imagine triple A games in VR, looking as great as they normally do, at a high refresh rate which is synced to you individually. That would be one amazing experience, even with current AAA titles, which are only going to get better with time.
Better, Smaller Headsets
There is something pretty awkward about carrying a very large headset on your head, covering your eyes. In the near future, we are likely to get something like sunglasses, which will be a solid replacement for a large and bulky headset. You will have to wear headphones, or maybe the sunglasses will have built in audio, as well. It is definitely going to be lighter, more portable and faster.
The future of VR gaming is looking to be better and faster and lighter. We are going to have to wait a couple of years, maybe a couple of decades, but it is very likely going to happen in the near future.